Thursday, December 2, 2021

Flat Abigail


We started the weekend early with a relaxing day.  While it rained most of Thursday, the sun came out Friday, and we enjoyed time by the pool.  Sunglasses and sunscreen are a must in Florida.  Flat Abigail did both! 

In the evening, we went to Fort Myers downtown, which is also called the River District.  The Caloosahatchee River is more than 60 miles long and runs along Fort Myers.  The river is named after the Calusas, who were Native American people that settled in the area hundreds of years ago.  While downtown, we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant (see picture that celebrates the Mexican culture).  Finally, we enjoyed some ice cream after dinner.  Everyone got a different kind, and the one Abigail enjoyed had a caramel swirl with chocolate chunks.  Of course we all brushed our teeth before bed!

We will be in touch soon.

We had another great day in Florida.  Today, we went to one of the local farms and saw at least seven different kinds of birds and animals. 

1. Ducks
2. Chickens
3. Horses
4. Goats
5. Cows
6. Donkey
7. Rabbit

The animals have all been rescued and are well fed at the farm.  We even got to pet the animals and feed them carrots!  We also got to sit in the wagon and sit on the old tractor.